Quiz instructions

Each quiz opens in a new window. This means you can complete the quiz and look at the module content at the same time if you need to.

An example of the first question in a quiz is shown below.

1 You can see how many questions are in the quiz (e.g. 10).

2 Select an answer (or answers).

3 Click Submit.

4 You then receive feedback and a statement that says "Your answer is correct/incorrect".

Note: You can answer the same question again by selecting a different answer and clicking Submit.

5 Click the Next button to go to the next question.

Note: This button is active only after you have clicked Submit.


    Quiz Image 1

6 After completing the last question, click the Next button. You will see your score (e.g. 9/10).

You can attempt the quiz again by clicking the Restart button.

    Quiz Image 2

8 After you finish the quiz, click the Close icon for the window.

    Quiz Image 3

    If problems arise with enlarging the screen refer to Help page and follow steps 2 and 3.

    Good luck!